Custom Corkscrew

Everyone of us has a corkscrew in their household to enjoy a good wine from time to time with your friends or partner. This is just the reason why advertising with such a product is just perfect and will gain a increase in brand awareness and sales. Celebrating Chinese new year, as well as other holidays is just the best reason to advertise with such a wine promotion and to be a part of the party and evening for the Year of the Rooster in 2017.

A corkscrew in the shape of a rooster is a really nice and unique idea to celebrate the Year of the rooster and to gain a lot of attention to your brand. The branding potential on this product is really high as well, which will attract your customers to prefer your brand in the future, instead of the one by your competitors.


While using this corkscrew the rooster itself gets bigger, which makes it look like its crowing. This fun characteristic on the design allows you to promote with a design, which can change through its characteristic and gain a lot more attention through this.


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